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Featured Projects

2024 Summer Explore Camp

Summer 2024 was a week of returning and new campers and a lot of new adventures! We were visited by the Game Commission and their K-9 unit, Tamarack Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and their ambassadors, and the Purple Martin Association. In addition to our exploration of Wildlife (not including what we discovered while exploring the Park on a daily basis) we dove into Aquatics (some of us literally!). We hosted PA SeaGrant and learned about aquatic invasive species in addition to a full creek walk. Steve Laskowski, our DCNR Service Forester, took the group on a scavenger hunt through the old growth forest. The entire week was topped off by our campers engineering cardboard boats to try and paddle in the creek! Sprinkled throughout the week were crafts, snacks, laughs, and experiencing new friendships and outdoor learning. Looking forward to 2025 :)

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ACAP Opportunity for Agriculture Land Owners

The Agriculture Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP) was created through the Clean Streams Fund established by the FY2022-2023 Pennsylvania State Budget. ACAP provides financial and technical assistance for the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) on agricultural operations within the Commonwealth.

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2024 Summer Explore Camp!

Do your kids love to play outsideĀ and have adventures? Check out our Explore Camp for graduates of grades 3, 4, and 5 - we can't wait to get back out in the Park to see what the summer of 2025 brings!

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Summer 2025 Intern Search

The District offers a paid, part-time summer internship for a college student looking for experience in the environmental field. The internship includes experience with environmental education (both formal and informal programming), working with environmental partners, Park Management work in Headwaters Park, and more.

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Memorial Tree Trail

A dedication tree planting ceremony was held on Tuesday, June 5, to kickoff a new project for ECCD: a Memorial Tree Trail to serve as an educational tool for visitors to Headwaters Park and an opportunity for residents to memorialize or honor loved ones.

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