Featured Projects
Don't Give Up the Drip Rain Barrel Project
A community art and environmental project focusing on rain water and rain barrels. The District, in partnership with Environment Erie, has commissioned Erie County artists to design and create 51 rain barrels to be displayed throughout the 2016 summer/fall season.
Headwaters Park Master Site Plan
For many years, Headwaters Park has been a haven to those interested in enjoying nature. Tucked away within Bundy Industrial Park, the 70 acre Park is home to four unique habitats: meadows, stream, forest, and wetland. These diverse habitats are imperative to the health of the region and the species that live within them. Part of our care of the Park includes forward-thinking plans, leading to the creation of our Master Site Plan.
Trout Run and Godfrey Run Watershed Implementation Plan
The primary goal of these projects is to reduce nutrient loading to attain overall water quality improvements within the Trout Run and Godfrey Run watersheds through the implementation of various Best Management Practices (BMPs).
Cascade Creek Frontier Park Project
The Cascade Creek project is a cooperative effort between the City of Erie, the Erie County Conservation District, SONS of Lake Erie, PA Sea Grant, and Lake Erie Arboretum at Frontier (LEAF) Park.
Natural Streambank Stabilization Techniques
Download the stabilization techniques brochure.