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Middle School Envirothon

Tuesday, May. 9, 2023  |  8:30 am

The Middle School Envirothon began in 2011 due to interest from younger grades. After watching older siblings and friends participate in the high school competition, middle school students were ready and excited to participate in their own event. This event was created to encourage students to explore different aspects of the environment, specifically:

  • Forestry
  • Aquatics
  • Wildlife
  • Soils/Land Use
  • Current Events

Not only are students encouraged to learn and discover knowledge based on these five focuses, but they are also introduced to and work with several experts and professionals in the environmental field, demonstrating to students career options open to them and their interests. As with the high school competition, students work as a team to complete written challenges. However, the quizzes are shortened to make time for hands-on activities at each testing/learning station. Student teams also take time prior to the event to prepare a short team oral presentation on a given topic.